6th - 9th October 2011Cinemas Svetozor and Evald, Prague

Notes on Man Capture

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SVĚTOZOR – small hall
Saturday, October 8th 20:30

Ratmi, a young, single mother in a village in the Garo Hills in Meghalya in North-East India, wants to get married. Among her people, marriage happens by ‚man capture‘. Her male relatives attempt to capture a man for her although she has had lovers. The narrative observes the players behind Ratmi‘s marriage in 2000 / 2001 and again in 2006, and captures how decision-making shifts back and forth from woman to man, individual to group, ‚insider‘ to ‚outsider‘. Humour, ease with the subject of sex and roots in a matrilineal society reveal an unusual people of India.

Indie – 2008 – DVD – 43 min.
genre: documentary
directed by: Nandini Bedi
Hindi language + English subtitles

This film is part of the program curated by Karan Bali, fi lmmaker and co-founder of Upperstall.com

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